Connecting Teacher Practices to Children's Emotional
McCormick Center Leadership Connections Conference
Katherine Zinsser and Timothy W. Curby
What do Kindergarteners Need?
Coalition for Psychology in Schools and Education
Motor, Social, and Cognitive Skills Among
Pre-Kindergarten Children with Developmental Disabilities
Helyn Kim, Abby G. Carlson, Timothy W. Curby, and Adam Winsler
Early childhood directors as socializers of emotional
Katherine M. Zinsser, Susanne A. Denham, Timothy W. Curby, &
Rachel Chazan-Cohen
Preschool Teachers’ Emotional Consistency Works Through
Their Relationships With Children To Affect Social Competence And
Problem Behaviors
Laura L. Brock & Timothy W. Curby
Teachers’ supports and children’s
engagement: Testing for bidirectional associations
Timothy W. Curby, Jason T. Downer, & Leslie M.
Fine motor skills and academic achievement
Timothy W. Curby & Abby G. Carlson
Do emotional support and classroom
organization early in the year lead to higher quality instruction?
Timothy W. Curby, Sara E. Rimm-Kaufman, &
Tashia Abry
Becoming a consistently emotionally
supportive preschool teacher: Implications for center directors
and teachers
Craig S. Bailey, Katherine M. Zinsser, Timothy W.
Curby, Susanne A. Denham, & Hideko H. Bassett
Prioritizing interactions to support
children’s academic achievement
Timothy W. Curby & Catharine Chavez