Development in School Contexts Lab


Ongoing Development of the Emotion Teaching Rating Scale (EMOTERS) for Preschool Classrooms
Teachers frequently model emotions, respond to children's emotions, and instruct about emotions. With grant funding from the Institute of Education Sciences and in conjunction with Dr. Katherine Zinsser at the University of Illinois at Chicago, we developed an observational measure of emotion-focused teaching. The five-year study has produced a measure for use in preschool classrooms that ranks the various interactions from the least difficult to the most difficult making it clear what teachers can do to improve. The measure is freely available through a creative commons license (

An Alternative Licensure Program for Preschool Teachers in Chicago

We are working with a group of residents taking part in the University of Illinois at Chicago's Alternative Licensure Program. We aim to support teachers with coaching in their supports for (a) children's developing emotional competence, (b) STEM learning, and (c) diverse learners. In particular, we plan to use the EMOTERS measure in the context of coaching and professional learning communities to assist in the professional development of residents.